Doing what I Love
Alia Benson
Business Owner
Insured, Licensed, and Pet CPR Certified
How much experience?
I started doing off-leash hikes in early 2017, but my experience goes much deeper than that. I worked at Sunset Pet Supply 2 years prior, understanding animal nutritional needs. As a kid, I always grew up around cats or dogs, and reptiles, and learned about their specific needs. I have a great understanding of medical care and needs for pets through experience and knowledge.
Why dog walking?
I've always been interested in animals since I was a kid. I like learning about them and understanding how they interact. Dog training was suggested to me by my family long ago, when my they saw me successfully calm an aggressive dog that belonged to my grandmother. He would attack anyone new who entered the home. I didn't feel fear, I stayed calm and waited for the dog to follow my lead. They encouraged me to be a dog trainer long before I knew I would be on this path. I walk my groups in a calm and compassionate way.
Favorite part of the job?
The best part is when I can help dogs live a better life in this world and with their family. That is the most rewarding for me.
What makes you qualified to do it?
First priority is safety. I can read dog behavior and stop accidents, or figure out a way that works best. I know group dog walks are not for every dog. If a dog is too aggressive with others, they may not be a good fit, or they should wear a muzzle. I understand their triggers, respond quickly in risky situations, and know what to do in emergencies. I will step up and protect a dog in a bad situation.
What can I expect from you as a dog owner?
I keep a level head and provide a good experience for the dogs when we go to the park. I will always be open with you about my experience and honest about any positive or negative experiences. I'm happy to work with you to provide the best possible experience for you and your dog.